donderdag, december 27, 2007

another 24 hours and then i'm gone

yeah i know the frase is another 45 miles before i’m home as in the song of the golden earring but i thought is was a catchy title) so another 24 hours and then i'm gone.... to berlin! the coming 7 days i am in berlin testing, tasting and see what's hot and what is not (a sort of private bread and butter experience. after that i am leaving for china to inspect our engino electro scooters together with 1 of the founders of qwic :-d looking forward to it!!!!!

woensdag, november 28, 2007

new camera: a fujifilm finepix z10 fd

i bought myself a nice little camera after i had lots of troublesome experineces with my sony ericsson cameraphone. just before i entered my plane taking me to sevilla. and after my lunch with one of the hub madrid founders, max oliva i had time to visit the taxfree shop @ madrid airport. and i'm loving it. what a joy for just 189 euro's :D LOL to the max!

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zaterdag, november 24, 2007

BViT in THE dutch entrepreneurs magazine sprout

i am sooooo proud! 'cause we're as the BViT incubator are in THE dutch entrepreneurs magazine called sprout.
the article tells the story how BViT competes with 'the attic' or 'the garage' as being an entrepreneurial spirited environment.

in holland we're not so good in recognising our true talent. lately only the dutch media (quote @ sprout catches on with articles on dutch companies being 1 of the world's best companies. and the BViT incubator as 1 of the top 3 incubators of the world!

personally i think it's rather funny that as a intern-turned-into-clustermanager and nicknamed 'mister orange' (among others) made it (in text) to the cover of sprout joined by the other mister orange aka mister easy aka just stelios founder of easyGroup.
talking about being in good company!

the other good news:
not only are we gaining more and more recogintion, being one of the oldest privatly funded (cluster / business) incubators. we also being nominated for an increasing amount of business awards. on the 30th of november we hear if we are awarded with the best incubator of the world award (hosted by the science alliance)!

so yes i am very confindent that i made the right choice with the BViT incubator formual being the basis for lotsov inc / cleantech incubator (i'm trying to pull off the ground in association with the rotterdam climate initiative) @ (rotterdam) heijplaat!

i'll keep you posted!


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dinsdag, oktober 23, 2007

HUB party / HUB (potential) membermeeting 24 oktober 2007

my dear friends @ the HUB asked me to post invite you for the following:

It is time for another party at The Hub Rotterdam!

A few months ago we've asked social innovators, sustainable entrepreneurs or out-of-the box inventors to help us co-create The Hub Rotterdam. This evolved into several teams who have been working on the design, finding new members, the development of an organisational structure and more. In Amsterdam we've hosted many meetings where a growing number of people joined the community. We are now looking for a good space.

One of the teams has come up with a creative and innovative way to find the needed investment to realise the two Hubs in The Netherlands. On November 24 a spectacular auction of sustainable products and innovative services created by (future) Hub members will be organised at the Hilton Hotel in Rotterdam. We're going to make this a grand event and are working together with PR-specialists 2Twintig, auction house Christie's, the imagineers of NEST and others who are supporting the Hub.

We see this auction as a great chance to showcase all the beautiful sustainable and social innovative projects from our network to a relevant audience and the media. The emergence of this new category of entrepreneurs and innovators will become visible instantly. Of course we also hope to earn the needed investment capital so that we can offer workspaces and a network to nearly 400 social innovators to realise their imaginative initiatives.

Exactly one month before the event, on Wednesday October 24, our member-meeting will focus on the preparations needed for this auction and thus the launch of The Hub in The Netherlands. If you want to feature your product or service in the auction catalog, or if you'd like to contribute in any other way to make our work in The Netherlands visible through this big event, join us between 6 and 9 pm at the Heemraadssingel 219 in Rotterdam. Snacks and drinks will be provided. From 6 to 7 there is time for drinks and chats, from 7 to 9 we will be making plans for the auction.

Feel free to forward this invitation to others in your network who's product or service should feature in a catalog of sustainable and social innovative products and services. They would have to be (future) members of The Hub Amsterdam or Rotterdam, membership starts from one day a month.

Please let us know by short reply to if you are joining us. If you can't make it for the meeting but are interested in showcasing your work in the catalog you can also contact us.

We hope to welcome you on the 24th!

The Hub team and NEST

dinsdag, oktober 16, 2007

cwr venture summit 2007

Angels or Informal Investors from the network of CWR Ventures and BViT gather in the CaballeroFactory in the Hague, Netherlands.

Are you looking for an investment or are you an investor investing in young startups? Than this is the event to attend!

Angels of Informal Investors uit de netwerken van CWR Ventures en BViT innovatienetwerk komen samen in de CaballeroFabriek in Den Haag.

Ben je op zoek naar een investeerder of ben je investeerder die investeert in jonge bedrijven? Dan is dit het evenement om aanwezig te zijn!

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maandag, oktober 15, 2007

BViT in matchme editie september 2007

NOTE 2 my international readers: sorry that i'm too busy and too lazy to translate this post myself. and so the text is only available in dutch. but if you're interested in our work as the most succesfull incubator of europe and of the world (after the 1 in the us) us the free website translator @ check it out here.
use as link to for your translation)

we krijgen als BViT steeds meer internationale en nationale erkennig als business incubator. en de laatste tijd komen er steeds meer projectontwikkelaars en investeerders
langs die via ons netwerk gewezen worden op ons bestaan. de grap is dat
ik vaak de credits krijg voor
hetgeen pim de bokx en toon buddingh' al die jaren doen. komt misschien
een beetje door de manier ik reclame maak voor ons tentje ('be good and tell it' is en blijft mijn devies) ;-). daarom is het leuk als 1 van de founding fathers, pim de bokx nu eens vertelt over het hoe en het wat mbt BViT. in de match me (uitgegeven door het nebib) van september 2007 ku je het allemaal lezen. en natuurlijk

Eind jaren negentig was Nederland vergeven van de incubators.

In de praktijk - Incubators

Incubators helpen startende, kennisintensieve bedrijven op weg
naar volwassenheid. Pim de Bokx, oprichter Dutch Incubator Association,
legt uit wat de meerwaarde is van deze broedplaatsen en voor welke
bedrijven ze geschikt zijn.

1. Imago

Twinning was een miljoenenproject van de overheid en Gorilla Park en
Newconomy waren de bekendste particuliere initiatieven. Ze hebben
echter nooit aan de verwachtingen voldaan: er werd veel geld ingepompt,
maar het gros van de bedrijven redde het niet. Het zorgde voor een
beroerd imago van incubators.

De laatste jaren zijn nieuwe kraamkamers ontstaan, dit keer met meer
realiteitszin: aan de poort wordt voortaan strenger geselecteerd. De
meeste incubators zijn verbonden aan universiteiten en instituten,
zoals YES!Delft, Erasmus MC Incubator en ESA Business Incubation. De
enige private incubator in Nederland is BViT in Delft en Den Haag, dat
de internethype wél overleefde.

2. Meerwaarde

Een incubator is meer dan een bedrijfsverzamelgebouw. Natuurlijk
beschikken ze over een receptie, vergaderruimtes en kopieermachines,
maar de meerwaarde ligt op andere vlakken. Zo hebben ze coaches en
adviseurs die startende ondernemers op weg helpen. Maar het grootste
voordeel is de toegang tot een netwerk. Veel starters komen van de
zolderkamer en treffen bij zo’n incubator ineens andere gepassioneerde
ondernemers. Vaak leidt dit tot samenwerking, soms zelfs tot fusies. De
broedplaats levert niet alleen businesspartners op, maar vaak ook
klanten en investeerders. Incubators investeren zelf kleine bedragen en
brengen de ondernemers voor grotere investeringen in contact met
informal investors en banken.

3. Toelating

Incubators zijn meestal gespecialiseerd in een bepaalde sector en
zijn specifiek bedoeld voor innovatieve/creatieve bedrijven, die
kennisintensief zijn én echt iets nieuws doen. Voor een gewone
webdesigner is het niet bedoeld, maar wel voor een webdesigner die een
nieuw product of doelgroep voor ogen heeft. Ook de fase waarin het
bedrijf verkeert, is van belang. Een ondernemer met alleen een vaag
plan om te gaan ondernemen heeft niets bij een incubator te zoeken;
hetzelfde geldt voor bedrijven die al winst maken. De broedplaatsen
zijn er voor bedrijven die tussen beide fases in zitten: ze hebben al
wel een prototype of concept, misschien al een eerste klant, maar nog
geen winst. De BViT past een speciale formule toe die zij
‘ClusterIncubator’ noemt. Daarvoor is niet alleen de aard van het
product of dienst van een bedrijf bepalend, maar ook de mix van
bedrijven. Liefst moeten bedrijven complementair aan elkaar zijn.

4. Resultaten

Een beeld dat sommigen van incubators hebben, is dat het erg
gezellig is, maar dat er weinig succesvolle bedrijven uit voortkomen.
Dit is niet helemaal waar, want uit europees onderzoek blijkt dat na
drie jaar 84 procent van deze bedrijven winstgevend is. Wél is het zo
dat heel grote successen op één hand te tellen zijn. Een voorbeeld
daarvan is breedbandprovider Speedlinq, dat begon in de kraamkamer van
BViT en werd vorig jaar voor miljoenen euro’s verkocht aan KPN. Echte
toppers als TomTom hebben geen incubator nodig. Incubators zijn er
vooral voor degene die van zichzelf weet dat hij of zij een beetje
ondersteuning kan gebruiken.

5. Exit

Vroeg of laten moeten bedrijven op eigen benen gaan staan. Iedere
incubator heeft hiervoor zijn eigen beleid. Bij sommige is er een harde
tijdlimiet: een bedrijf mag bijvoorbeeld maximaal drie jaar blijven.
Ook winstgevendheid kan een criterium zijn. Verder kan er een maximum
worden gesteld aan het aantal medewerkers. Zodra het bedrijf meer dan
bijvoorbeeld zes medewerkers heeft, is het tijd om te vertrekken.

Pim de Bokx is mede-oprichter en managing director van BViT, een
incubator voor ICT-bedrijven in Delft en Den Haag. De BViT heeft
internationale erkenning ontvangen in 2006 toe zij als beste incubator
van Europa is uitgeroepen. Zie En oprichter van DIA, een netwerk van incubatie-profesionals. Info:

(eerder gepost op en www.edgarneo.INFO

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donderdag, oktober 11, 2007

rotterdam community meeting aka offline xing / linkedin / ecademy meeting was GREAT!

wooooooow! what a night! what a meeting! more than 200 networking people have visited our little offline get together in grand café engels in rotterdam! 'lotsov' connections, deals and more were made.

and yes! manon hofstra honoured us with her visit and the design for the rotterdam community logo. i'm rpoud to present you the new logo:


see how it's used @ xing and our own website!

dinsdag, oktober 09, 2007

rotterdam community meeting aka offline xing / linkedin / ecademy meeting = tomorrow!

tomorrow we have our great rotterdam community meeting aka offline xing / linkedin / ecademy meeting in grand café engels near the central trainstation of rotterdam. you are more than welcome to join us!

if you have any questions feel free to contact me!

hope to see you there!


ps tomorrow we hope to reveal our new logo designed by our design goddess manon hofstra of dare to design! :D

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dinsdag, oktober 02, 2007

sprout's challenger day 2007 holladijee!

i'm going to the sprout challengerday 2007! just received the confirmation!

i was very apalled by 'we're gonna teach the big boys a lesson'.

i hope that during the day i hear more of such language and meet the challngers who really think they can...

maybe we can invest in them too!

zaterdag, september 29, 2007

job ten bosch and lars duursma of debatrix in nrc handelsblad with an 'how to' on geert wilders

today i had a meeting with job ten bosch from debatrix (here with nard buijs) @ the urban espresso bar in the heart of rotterdam. it was fun! and i had the pleasure to see his face when i could get his hands on the nrc newspaper of today.
he and his fellow associate lars duursma are featured in a (weekly) column in the nrc. nrc is 1 of holland's biggest newspaper. they kicked off with a 'how to'. the how to is on how to react on somebody like geert wilders and the anti-islamic view of this dutch politician. i'm very curious on what topic there next 1 is....

(available only in dutch i'm afraid)

ps: yes that is fatima moreiro de melo in behind nard ;) )

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dinsdag, september 18, 2007

starting up @ BViT

yesterday i had a pretty frantic day with a rocky start.
and too much appointments, too little time.

this morning i had a much relaxter start @ BViT. having coffee and having a look @ the new connections being made in the last couple of days.

the day isn't over. but so far so goodbusinesscards, ;)


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announcement for a new offline xing / linkedin / ecademy/ rotterdam community meeting 11th of october 2007

a few minutes ago i received a conformation email of sacha soeters (1 of the co organisers of the rotterdam community meetings) that we are more than welcome to host a new offline xing / linkedin / ecademy/ rotterdam community meeting the 11th of october 2007 in grand café engels. thanx sacha!

later on i will post the invititaion and details on this meeting!


on behalf of the rotterdam community organisation

sacha soeters (tout passe partout) -
johan brekelmans (finovion) -
frans v/d meer (vdmi)-
etienne petit (polderspace) -
edgar neo (lotsov) -

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maandag, september 17, 2007

it's official: i'm the mentor of stichting frequency foundation rotterdam

today i had a meeting with the founders of stichting frequency foundation rotterdam, bureau mentorraad of the obr @ my virtual office (the orange flagshipstore in the centre of rotterdam). and after a very pleasant meeting we signed a contract with eachother. so now it's official: i'm the mentor of stichting frequency foundation rotterdam!

as i see it now i think we can join forces and rock the world together!

ps i will post some more info about this foundation later on.

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vrijdag, september 14, 2007

emerce enight 2007: a party like it's 1999 too!

after my early departure on the emerce eday 2007 and after a short visit i payed @ the sso masterclass, i headed back to the emerce eNight @ the thalia.

i instantly had a flashback to the mid-end 90's.
people were ordering champagne again and felt like celebrating and partying like it was 1999 too!

clearly not my kind of party!
block rocking beats, arrogant people, airheads, internetentrepreneurialish wannabe's - who were trying to lure me into investing my network, money and more in their new plans for world domination. don't get me wrong i have no problem with people looking for seedmoney / venture capital. but not when you're pitching pissed, jelling in my ear and have no clue where you're talking about!
my tip for them was:
follow the workshop of boris and paul: strategic venture capital funding first and talk to me later).

some where kissing my ass with the remark 'that with my promotion to clustermanager of the most successful incubator of europe (and after the 1 in china, the best of the world, called BViT.) i as a mentee of bob stumpel exceeded him by far! WHATEVER! thanX for the compliment. but i see it a bit differently!

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donderdag, september 13, 2007

emerce eday 2007!

today i'm visiting the emerce eday. i
first started as a listener @ the waddameeting 'strategic venture capital finding' by boris veldhuijzen van zanten & paul zekveld,
than i was as a speaker on the subject
'incubation' (since i've started as the clustermanager @ bvit - which is the best incubator formula after the 1 in china :D ) people are inviting me for lectures on this subject too. and now i am listening to a really interesting story by rené jansen of it is about being social online. great subject and rené is a true evangelist and expert on this subject!

UPDATE 17:13

pfoe! i'm deadbeat tired!
after all my conclusion is:
lotsov bla bla! boris, paul and rené were the best parts of the day!

emerce eday 2007.... an internetparty like it's 1999!

now i'm off to my xing / linkedin / ecademy rotterdam community organisation meeting

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woensdag, september 12, 2007

today it's xlx day! again! xlx zadkine to be precise!

today i will be the host of the entrepreneurs game called xlx. it will be played @ a school called zadkine. i am very curious of te quality of the students....

emerce 2007 here i come!

it's official!
today i received all the conformations i needed for the emerce eDay + eNight 2007 edition! i'll start the day with the strategic venture capital funding workshop / meeting hosted by my dear friend and colleague serial entrepreneur boris veldhuijzen van zanten en paul zekveld :D

i feel like a little kid waiting for his birthday to come!
hipperdeppip! hurrah! emerce 2007 here i come!

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dinsdag, september 11, 2007

open office @ bvit / caballero fabriek the hague holland14th of september 2007

ever wondered how the most succesful incubator of europe (and after china the best of the world) , BViT, looks like @ the inside? and how the city of the hague transformed an old cigarette manufacturing plant the caballero fabriek (caballero factory) in 1 of the most booming creative crossmedia hubs of the netherlands? than feel welcome and visit us this 14th of september.
from 14.00 h - 17.00 h we'll have our open office together with 45 other entrepreneurs @ the caballerofabriek. feel free to drop by and join us when we having drinks @ BViT...

drop me a line @ edgar [at] BViT [dot] net subject: save me a glass ;)

interview on radiostation called den haag fm (the hague fm)

within the hour i'll have an interview on the local radiostation called den haag fm (the hague fm). the interview is about the open office of the 'caballerofabriek' (caballero factory), the caballero fabriek itself and the role of BViT as europe's most succesful incubator for starting enterprises....

den haag fm has has his studio on 1 of the most beautiful sites of the hague, called haagsche bluf, in the heart of the city.

if you want to you can listen to me being interviewed from 1800 h - 1900 h @ 92.0 fm or by cable @ 92.9 and via in case you missed the show you listen later on via this link:

technorati labels: zware kost, den haag fm, edgar neo, interview, bvit, cabfab, caballero fabriek, caballerofabriek, cluster, starten in den haag, ondernemer den haag, startend ondernemer, startend ondernemer den haag, goedkoop huren den haag, goedkope bedrijfsruimte, bedrijfsruimte huren,

trackback link via sprout:

zondag, september 09, 2007

the hub NL foundation finally founded!

i almost forgot! the hub foundation NL is live!
and of course we celebrated with champagne :D (excellent choice job!)!

for more info about the hub rotterdam and the hub amsterdam check their weblogs:

- the hub rotterdam
- the hub amsterdam

see this post in dutch on sprout´s goodblog

vrijdag, september 07, 2007 welcome to the family!

because we are running the BViT incubator as a family (because we believe in clustered incubation being a part of our succes formula), we ask every future familymember to give a presentation / tell more about themselves and their business. today kees jan koster of gave a presentation.

after his presentation (which was 1 of the most hilarious i´d seen since a long time :D ) we voted. and starting today we can say: welcome to the family!

see flickr for more photo´s

dinsdag, september 04, 2007

Freedom Management by Chantal Klaver 3SSb

Xingrclogo vandaag kreeg ik een mailtje van chantal klaver van 3ssb, een waanzinnig mooi stuk! een mooier compliment kun je als organisator niet krijgen. ik wilde dat ik 1% van haar schrijverstalent had ;)

het is in het engels maar ik wilde jullie het niet onthouden!



Freedom Management by Chantal Klaver (3SSB)

Rain was sadly dropping from the trees. The 26th of July. You would have expected better weather. Especially because it was the kick of for Summer Carnival in Rotterdam. Privileged of being invited to the Xing Rotterdam Community summer meeting, I went happily to see old contacts again. But who could have guessed this evening would be a turning point in my life…

The old contacts were there, of course. But at a Xing meeting, in the environment of the Maas Beach, sensual music and beautiful people, the unexpected could be expected. What’s a beach party (even a network Beach Party) without a matching feeling. So drop off the high heels and turn on you flip flops to make it a night to remember.

Dancing, a glass of wine, chit chatting about what keeps you busy, a lot of laughs and a midnight Suriname snack. This was more of a party then a serious network meeting. Nevertheless, it turned out I didn’t need to have a serious surrounding to start a business wise serious relationship. Common interests and the agreement to meet each other again turned out to be the kick off for not only cooperative projects, but also a meaningful personal change.

After thanking him for spamming, Edgar was the first to meet again. A bit uptight and curious about what to come, I went for a joined dinner. Impressive and seeing right through her, he made me somehow nervous. How can someone – anyone – make another person feel comfortable and nervous in a heartbeat?

I am always desperate in charge of my feelings. Business and personal were supposed to be two separate worlds. After some meltdowns, I was convinced that mixing it up would cause major problems. It wasn’t easy to change my mind, but somehow Edgar managed to open my mind for some kind of mix. And introduced me to people worth mixing.

The second one in line was Cornelis. Passionate about diving and sailing, he made a career out of it. His goal in life, for everyone to be perfectly happy. He truly inspired me with his way of thinking. He wants to be near people he loves and care about, people he can trust. Cornelis also felt no need at all to separate professional and private life, on the contrary. He’d rather worked with people he liked to have in his personal life as well. So he decided to invite a group of trainers to show them another way of training.

Marvin was the third impressing man I got to know better because of the Xing meeting, also a trainer. Busy as hell, but never too busy to make time for you. As a person he’s interested in other human beings. His heart in the right place, working hard and enjoying life at its fullest. Therefore, he was invited for the trip to Turkey.

And what kind of a trip. Business and change workshops would be excellent on a sailing or training ship. A training on a ship turns out to be a perfect surrounding to support and strengthen upcoming changes in groups, equip them with new professional skills, and develop a new dynamic community for ongoing activities. And I can’t think of very many other beautiful and perfect settings besides Turkey.

The trip to Turkey was amazing. The content was superior, but nevertheless undermined by the spirit of the participants. The process on a ship is amazing. I already told Cornelis about my study “Vrijetijdsmanagement” (Leisure Management). However, introducing me to the other participants he translated it as Freedom management. I met wonderful people to experience it with. Nathalie, Dieter, Etham, old Captain Memmed and of course the special crew. Cornelis said it right, Freedom Management turned out to be the feeling and integrated theme of the week.

Because of Xing and the Events being organised, I met wonderful people. At least three special man, all successful in every way I can imagine. Or no, I could better say, successful in every way they can imagine. They inspired me to Freedom Management. Thank you for giving me another point of view.

The three monkeys apply ;-)

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zondag, augustus 26, 2007


there's news about iPodia, the podcasting portal which i founded some years ago.

sorry for me being lazy and redirecting you to the iPodia blog the new iPodia!

a little while ago came up with the idea of starting a podcasting
portal called iPodia as a combination of both a social media consuming, publishing, enjoying and sharing community.

(iPodia the name says it all: i pod (as in to pod), iPod, podium, my personal podium, more than 1 podium, etc.)

i started iPodia it with several podcasting enthusiasts.
but after some period as iPodia started to develop, greed took over. a very good
reason for me to pull the plug and put the site on stand by!

but when i started @ one of the world's most successful incubators called bvit (in the hague netherlands) and had a chat with rogier hof i instantly felt a warm feeling when he started telling 'bout why he began froodi and what is vision is about podcasting, personal profiling, etc. i had a deja vu!

so why stubborn like a mule and try to start all over again and why not hand it over to someone dedicated to the business? so iPodia as of form now on iPodia will be redirected to

here's to froodi the new iPodia!

related: iPodia @ weblog

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donderdag, augustus 16, 2007

internship @ bvit innovationnetwork 1 of the most successful incubators of the world

although it's summer that doesn't mean that i'm able to enjoy a break ;-)
too much great opportunities are being thrown into my lap :-D

a week ago i started @ bvit innovationnetwork crossmedia, 1 of the 3 most succesful incubators in the world (who could have thought that i would do an internship @ the age of 30 ;-) i sure didn't)

the reason? i want to learn the trick how to run an incubator myself.

early 2008 i hope to open a sustainable and social incubator @ heijplaat (rotterdam). social because of the fact that we (as lotsov) try to incubate personal talent/skills and sustainable. well i think that is obvious ;-)

the city of rotterdam has the ambition to become the capital of renewable energy. in order to achive that you need entrepreneurs and energetic people to take part in that challenge.

so we want want to facilitate them not just with cheap officespace but with a complete programme! (co)create a real hotspot with a package of energy, inspiration, networkers, engagement, (en)courage(ment), (social ) capital, knowledge, likeminded people, etc!

so when pim de bokx and toon buddingh'of bvit asked me if i felt something for being an intern i didn't need much time to think. YES PLEASE!

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donderdag, augustus 09, 2007

new nickname multispammer?

over the last couple of years i've been given lots of nicnames like neo, mister orange, mister rotterdam, superconnecotr, friend, mister xing, etc. maybe i get another one since today... namely mister invite / mister mutlispam (i sure don't hope so)

what happened? i first i installed the new outlook email programme. after that i had to update all the plugins, dll's, firewall settings, etc, etc. and found out that my plaxo, linkedin and xing toolbar weren't working.

so i downloaded them again. but then the shit hit the fan. my xing plugin seemed to have it's own way of installing. because after filling in my login and password it started to invite almost every single contact in my outlook adressbook. and not just once but several times! SH*T!

sorry if you've been spammed too! it wasn't me ;-)

if you still wan to (re)connect and somehow lost the invite you can do so clicking on this link ;-)

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woensdag, augustus 08, 2007

100001 contacts (registered)

today i found to my surprise that ik have more than 10000 (100001 to be precise) contacts via, linkedin, bni, jongmkb, hyves, ziki, zubka, xanga, ning, myspace, my cell and many, many other platforms. (i see you as a contact if i have more than just your number or emailaddress)

now i wear my nick as superconnector as a crown ;-)

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maandag, augustus 06, 2007


vandaag begint mijn 'stage' @ BViT. doel is om het 'incubatoren' te leren bij 1 van de meest succesvolle incubators van de wereld. zodat we dadelijk op het RDM terrein op heijplaat een mooie combi van een social en een business incubator op kunnen zetten als een samenwerking tussen lotsov foundation en BViT :-D

zondag, juli 15, 2007

uitnodiging voor de OPEN business borrel vd rotterdam community (IN DUTCH)

Mensen_op_strand_aan_de_maas eindelijk is het weer zover!

26 juli organiseert de rotterdam community ism HET ict netwerk i-portal en haar leden weer een OPEN business borrel!

en welke locatie is beter geschikt om het aanbreken van de zomervakantie te vieren dan het strand aan de maas?

iig belooft het weer een lekker druk bezocht event te gaan worden.
en lekker basic want zonder programma. gewoon een gezellige get together voor creatieven, culturelen en commerciëlen!

dus waar en wanneer?

Op donderdag 26 juli strand aan de maas in rotterdam (

aanvang van de bijeenkomst is 19.00 uur en eindigt 23.00 uur.

de toegang van dit Xing event is dit keer gratis! (drankjes en bbq uiteraard op eigen kosten ;-) )
ontspannen netwerken in een gezellige ambiance staat voorop!

programma en activiteiten:

het programma is vrijblijvend zoals ook bij andere bijeenkomsten van onze collega’s in andere steden. gewoon gezellig borrelen en contacten leggen.

de leden van i-portal hebben eerst hun eigen sportevent (ga ze vooral aanmoedigen). mar na afloop van hun event zullen we samen verder netwerken.

vanzelfsprekend staat het iedereen vrij om eigen contacten (ook van buiten Xing) mee te nemen. u kunt uzelf en uw introducé aanmelden op Xing.

graag tot de 26e!

xing group rotterdam community
sacha soeters (tout passe partout) -
johan Brekelmans (finovion) -
frans v/d meer -
etienne petit -
edgar neo (lotsov) -

en natuurlijk het bestuur van ict netwerk i-portal (

extra info:

tijdstip van de meeting 26-07-2007, 19:00 -- 23:45
plaats 3011 xt rotterdam (zuid-holland, nederland)
het strand aan de maas is te vinden op het leuvehoofd aan de voet van de erasmusbrug te rotterdam.
kom je met de auto dan kun je het beste parkeren in de parkeergarage onder de erasmusbrug. parkeer je in de buurt van het strand aan de maas hou er dan rekening mee dat je dan alleen kunt betalen met je chipknip!

zie ook google maps

XingrclogoIportal_2 Strandaandemaas_3