zaterdag, juni 09, 2007

mahler 5 by krashna musica delft holland

just came home from the mahler concert performed by krashna musica delft. in just 1 word; absolutely great!
krasha musica is the largest dutch orchestra totally ran by students and alumni.

they have 2 major performances per year and tonight was 1 of them.
the maria jesse church was completly sold out and for a very obvious reason!

see if you can see them yourself. you won't regret it!

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woensdag, juni 06, 2007

dutch government into the micro credit business too

today the dutch government anounced that they will set up a micro credit scheme.
jippy! what a great news!

but i am very anxious to see on what terms ;)

dinsdag, juni 05, 2007

what a great speaker ;-)

after being interviewed by magazines as ode and the aedes magazine and several dutch newspapers as ad and volkskrant about my idea to offer smart micro lendings to dutch / european youngsters, lots of of organisations are now booking me for lectures about micro credits and working with youngsters and the peerz ® programme.

so today i found myself @ dudok wonen (dudok living) a nice midsized housing corporation in the hilversum area where i was the first speaker (of i hope) many more. as of today they start with infosessions during their lunchbreak. what a great concept for teambuilding / a out of the box meeting! where the only thing you know for sure is that the food and drinks are ok ;)

so i felt humbled being the 1 to kick off!

i really enjoyed it and hope to have more of this speaking opportunities!

UPDATE 12/06/2007: posted some photo's taken by rifka buursink

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zondag, juni 03, 2007

dj tiësto - elements of life

gisteren was ik te gast bij dj tiësto himself in het gelredome te arnhem. en ondanks het mega grte scherm en de pompende bas was het toch voor mij net iets te commercieel, te massaal en te druk. om de 3 meter werd me een lijn coke aangeboden en op de plekken waar je zou moeten kunnen dansen waren teveel mensen en moest je echt een soort pogo uitvoeren om een plek te verwerven.


had er heel erg naar uitgekeken! moest bij het zien van het commerciële circus ook meteen denken aan het liedje van herman finkers; 'dat heeft zo'n jongen toch niet nodig'.

nogmaals jammer!

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