vrijdag, september 03, 2010

afterparty op de stoep @HetSchieblock

ruim na afloop en terwijl de drank op is staan mensen nog steeds na te babbelen...pic taken by@gar / edgar neot/m: +31 84 003 08 63e: edgarneo@gmail.comPSsorry for any typo's. sent from my iPhone 3GS

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donderdag, september 02, 2010

's as in assassins' @ de unie: late night @HetSchieblock

pic taken @ de unie: late night@ het pas verbouwde dependance van Het Schieblockby@edgarneo t/m: +31 84 003 08 63e: edgarneo@gmail.comPSsorry for any typo's. sent from my iPhone 3GS

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ernest vd kwast trapt de unie: late night @HetSchieblock af

pic takenby@edgarneo t/m: +31 84 003 08 63e: edgarneo@gmail.comPSsorry for any typo's. sent from my iPhone 3GS

- Posted using Mobypicture.com

woensdag, september 01, 2010

dat belooft wat voor de echte 7 days of inspiration in februari #7di

pic taken @ kick-off van 7 days of inspiration rotterdam @3rdplaceAT @HetSchieblockby@edgarneo t/m: +31 84 003 08 63e: edgarneo@gmail.comPSsorry for any typo's. sent from my iPhone 3GS

- Posted using Mobypicture.com

the 4-hour body

Trailer for the new bestseller, The 4-Hour Body (http://amzn.to/ayrN5H), by #1 NY Times bestselling author, Tim Ferriss.

The full title is "The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman," and Wired Magazine calls it: "A cookbook of minimalist methods for rapid body transformation." Click here for full content! http://www.fourhourbody.com

Directed and edited (post-production) by bad-ass, Adam Patch, http://www.adampatch.com

maandag, augustus 30, 2010

@HetSchieblock eens van een andere kant bekeken

pic by@edgarneo t/m: +31 84 003 08 63e: edgarneo@gmail.comPSsorry for any typo's. sent from my iPhone 3GS

- Posted using Mobypicture.com