anyway: normally i just read, make a little actionplan, set my priorities, check my mail, check sapenda, watch the news. you know, the usual stuff.
but today i had to take off early to the hague, because of the busy day i was facing over there.
me now living @ heijplaat adds a 30 minutes extra to my travelling schedule (but wouldn't miss the place for a day! what a view!).
i had several meetings @ the caballero fabriek with the guys of the bvit innovation network, joep vesters of narfoz and my friends @ winkwaves.
i hoped that i could pop in @ the guerilla store. but they are closed on monday. bummer! it would really top the day off!
shoot! i have to run. gotta catch the bus!
technorati tags: cabellero fabriek, cab fab, cabfab, bvit, joep vesters, narfoz, winkwaves, heijplaat, ov