donderdag, augustus 09, 2007

new nickname multispammer?

over the last couple of years i've been given lots of nicnames like neo, mister orange, mister rotterdam, superconnecotr, friend, mister xing, etc. maybe i get another one since today... namely mister invite / mister mutlispam (i sure don't hope so)

what happened? i first i installed the new outlook email programme. after that i had to update all the plugins, dll's, firewall settings, etc, etc. and found out that my plaxo, linkedin and xing toolbar weren't working.

so i downloaded them again. but then the shit hit the fan. my xing plugin seemed to have it's own way of installing. because after filling in my login and password it started to invite almost every single contact in my outlook adressbook. and not just once but several times! SH*T!

sorry if you've been spammed too! it wasn't me ;-)

if you still wan to (re)connect and somehow lost the invite you can do so clicking on this link ;-)

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woensdag, augustus 08, 2007

100001 contacts (registered)

today i found to my surprise that ik have more than 10000 (100001 to be precise) contacts via, linkedin, bni, jongmkb, hyves, ziki, zubka, xanga, ning, myspace, my cell and many, many other platforms. (i see you as a contact if i have more than just your number or emailaddress)

now i wear my nick as superconnector as a crown ;-)

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maandag, augustus 06, 2007


vandaag begint mijn 'stage' @ BViT. doel is om het 'incubatoren' te leren bij 1 van de meest succesvolle incubators van de wereld. zodat we dadelijk op het RDM terrein op heijplaat een mooie combi van een social en een business incubator op kunnen zetten als een samenwerking tussen lotsov foundation en BViT :-D