dinsdag, september 11, 2007

open office @ bvit / caballero fabriek the hague holland14th of september 2007

ever wondered how the most succesful incubator of europe (and after china the best of the world) , BViT, looks like @ the inside? and how the city of the hague transformed an old cigarette manufacturing plant the caballero fabriek (caballero factory) in 1 of the most booming creative crossmedia hubs of the netherlands? than feel welcome and visit us this 14th of september.
from 14.00 h - 17.00 h we'll have our open office together with 45 other entrepreneurs @ the caballerofabriek. feel free to drop by and join us when we having drinks @ BViT...

drop me a line @ edgar [at] BViT [dot] net subject: save me a glass ;)

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