dinsdag, september 11, 2007

interview on radiostation called den haag fm (the hague fm)

within the hour i'll have an interview on the local radiostation called den haag fm (the hague fm). the interview is about the open office of the 'caballerofabriek' (caballero factory), the caballero fabriek itself and the role of BViT as europe's most succesful incubator for starting enterprises....

den haag fm has has his studio on 1 of the most beautiful sites of the hague, called haagsche bluf, in the heart of the city.

if you want to you can listen to me being interviewed from 1800 h - 1900 h @ 92.0 fm or by cable @ 92.9 and via denhaagfm.com. in case you missed the show you listen later on via this link:

technorati labels: zware kost, den haag fm, edgar neo, interview, bvit, cabfab, caballero fabriek, caballerofabriek, cluster, starten in den haag, ondernemer den haag, startend ondernemer, startend ondernemer den haag, goedkoop huren den haag, goedkope bedrijfsruimte, bedrijfsruimte huren,

trackback link via sprout: http://www.typepad.com/t/trackback/23356/21511525

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